b e a r


p h o t o g r a p h e r . c o m


h o m e  

p h o t o   s h o o t  

n e x t   s t e p  

m o d e l   release  

F A Q's  

 p h o t o g r a p h e r  

p h o t o s  &  n e w s


 c o n t a c t   e m a i l 


 g e r m a n  


 s p a n i s h  


 f r e n c h  


 i t a l i a n  


 p o r t u g u e s e  


 p h o t o  l i n k s  


 p h o t o   t i p s  


 m o b i l e   s i t e  





big sports bear shot by BearPhotographer


are you a bear, a hairy masculine man or a muscle bear?


then lets get in contact


I'm a male photographer near Zurich Switzerland, in the center of Europe. If you are a bear, a musclebear or a masculine muscled man, then let's realize your very personal bear photo session in a friendly and professional atmosphere making photo shooting easy and fun. 

On agreement, photo shootings can be organized near your place as Amsterdam, Barcelona, Berlin, Brussels, Geneva, Hamburg, Copenhagen, London, Lisbon, Madrid, Milano, Munich, Oslo, Paris, Prague, Stuttgart, Rom, Zurich and other good locations. Selection of places for photo shootings, click here.

Studio / hotel or outdoor sessions, as nature, woods, mountain, hiking, industrial or urban. For photo session themes / locations, click here.


The result will be exceptional male photos expressing your personal kind of masculinity.

For details and questions, please contact me here.


Canadaian Rockies & Vancouver photo shootings in August 2020, details here

here some samples of my work:

sexy mature bear portrait news & more
photos here
protected server - nude shooting in a loast place

bear portrait


nude lost place shooting

spanish muscle bear in studio shooting musclebear studio photography mountais hiking - glacier shooting - masculine photography

sexy hairy bear

musclebear studio pictures

mountais  - glacier shooting

big sports bear bull sexy and interesting muscle bear in Barcelona, mui guapo Catalan guapo muscle bear in Barcelona

big sports man in the studio

muscle bear in Barcelona

muscle bear guapo in BCN

no cookies, no tracking tools on all my sites,
natural male photography only !

Musclebear gallery - male photography
Bear photographer professional male photography - strong men pictures

Bear model photos - BearPhotographer.com masculine men pictures of hairy muscled guys
Graphity painting and masculinity - male body meets art - photos by BearPhotographer Zurich
Erotic male photos of hairy masculine men - handsome guys, sexy pictures, professional work
Nude leather model photos - masculine men pictures
Woods naked muscle bear photography - BearPhotographer Zurich
Masculinity and nature, professional photos of hairy, butch, beefy muscle bears nude outdoor
Photos of natural nude men out in nature - erotic and esthetic pictures shot by BearPhotographer
Architecture and masculinity - design pictures combined with male images shot by BearPhotographer
Handsome men posing for erotic photos - aesthetic pictures of two friends shot by BearPhotographer in Cologne
Bear couple erotic photo shooting - aesthetic pictures of two friends shot by BearPhotographer
Bear couple erotic photo shooting - aesthetic pictures of two friends shot by BearPhotographer
Wrestling gear shower - aesthetic pictures of a bear wrestler shot by BearPhotographer
Muscle bear wrestling shower - aesthetic wet singlet pictures shot by BearPhotographer
Muscle man in wrestling singlets - aesthetic and erotic photos shot by BearPhotographer
Muscle bear couples in the studio - aesthetic and erotic photos shot by BearPhotographer
Bear photographer male photos - Corse impressions
Muscle bear photo compositions - aesthetic and erotic photos studio near Zurich Switzerland
Bear photographer male photos - evening skys
Young Swiss muscle bear - aesthetic and erotic pictures shot at BearPhotographer studio near Zurich Switzerland
Spanish musclebear pictures- aesthetic and erotic photos shot at BearPhotographer studio Switzerland
Catalan Spanish musclebear pictures - aesthetic and erotic photos
Muscle bear symbiosis - aesthetic and erotic photos shot at BearPhotographer studio Switzerland
Bears at the Stammbar Brussels - aesthetic and erotic pictures shot by BearPhotographer in Begium
Bear cruising bar - aesthetic and erotic photos shot by SwissPhotographer at number one male place in Brussels
Muscle Bears attraction - aesthetic and erotic photos shot by SwissPhotographer at the personal studio
Muscle Bears domination - aesthetic and erotic photos shot by SwissPhotographer at the personal studio
Muscle Bears in long johns and jock straps - aesthetic and erotic photos shot by SwissPhotographer
Muscle Bears in long johns and jock straps - aesthetic and erotic photos shot by SwissPhotographer
Muscle Bears in wrestling singlets - aesthetic and erotic photos shot by SwissPhotographer at the personal studio
Industrial erotic male photos - bear in Prague at the old rail road bridge shot by Photographer
Handsome bear photos - Prague home shooting - images shot by Photographer
Muscle bear photos - industrial pictures - Prague MeetFactory shooting by Swiss male Photographer
Muscle bear graffity art photos - industrial erotic male pictures - outdoor shooting in Prague
Muscle bear couple - erotic aesthetic photos shot in Prague
White long johns sex musclebears - erotic male underwear pictures - photo shooting in a design bath house
Sexy jock straps muscle bears - erotic male underwear pictures - photo shooting in a design bath
Muscle bear perfect body control - pole dance pictures - studio photo shooting by male photographer
Muscle bears enjoying the wirlpool and the shower - bath house photo shooting by male photographer
Muscle bears hiking in the Swiss mountains  - outdoor male pictures - photo shooting in wild nature
Hiking musclebear in the Swiss mountains - outdoor male outdoor photo shoot
Sexy beefy muscle man in Barcelona - erotic male underwear pictures - hotel photo shooting by BearPhotographer
Handsome beefy bodybuilder bear in Barcelona - erotic and aesthetic male pictures - hotel photo shooting
Bearcelona 2015 bears in Barcelona part 1 - bar photo shooting by BearPhotographer
Bearcelona 2015 bears in Barcelona part 2 - bar photo shooting by BearPhotographer
Muscle bears couple hotel photo shoot in Barcelona Catalonia - photo session near you by BearPhotographer
Beefy hairy muscle dudes - natural men pictures - photo session near you by BearPhotographer
Muscle lad in shower - sexy aestehic and erotic male pictures - photo shooting by BearPhotographer
Muscle dudes aesthetic erotic pictures - studio photo shooting by BearPhotographer - studio near Zurich
Masculine hairy guy in suit and tie - aesthetic and erotic bear man pictures - photo shooting
Sexy muscle bear friends playing together - aesthetic and erotic bear man pictures - photo shooting
Mountain hiking muscle bear photos - nature and masculitity - outdoor male photography in the Swiss Alps
Mountains glaciers hiking and masculinity - masculine photography - glacier photo shooting by BearPhotographer
Glaciers mountain masculinity pictures - masculine photography - outdoor photo shoot by BearPhotographer
Erotic and aesthetic masculine studio photos - BerarPhotographer, Zürich Schweiz
Two musclebears - erotic and aesthetic male collages - studio photo shoot by BearPhotographer
Ginger muscle bear - erotic and aesthetic male pictures 0f red-haired sexy muscle bear
Muscle bear - erotic home photos shooting
Two sexy muscle bears - erotic studio photos
Mature daddy muscle bear - erotic professional studio photos - BearPhotographer Zurich Switzerland
Muscle bears couple - erotic and aesthetic home photos
S e n s u a l   b e a r   c o u p l e - erotic shots by BearPhotographer - studio near Zurich Switzerland
nude in lost military base - erotic and aesthetic male pictures
N a k e d  i n  l o s t  p l a c e s - erotic shots by BearPhotographer - studio near Zurich Switzerland
Urban lost places and masculinity - erotic male photography
Masuclinity in lost places  -  erotic urban male photography
Abandoned places photo shooting - urban male photography
Muscle bears in lost places  -  professional  urban male photography
Beefy men in lost places  -  industrial & urban male photography
Lost  places - photo shooting - strong male photography
Young musclebear studio shooting  - strong male photos
Art photography -Spanish young muscle bear photos
hot young man - photo shooting - male photography
nude young nasty man - erotic studio photo shoot
Muscle bear couple - photo shooting - strong male photography
MENbox - photo project - strong male photography
Deep of male soul - strong male photography
Ginger and bearded - strong redhead photograpgy
MENbox project - Ginger and bearded - redhead art photo shoot
Ginger arm pits and red public hair - erotic photos
Redhead men phortraits - strong ginger photography
MENbox project - Redhead and  ginger photography
Surreal male art photography - redhead tattoo pictures
Tattoos on red haired man skin - strong male photography
bearded red haired men photography - young hairy bear studio shots
bearded red haired young bear - BearPhotographer MENbox project - strong beard men photo shoots
bearded men shower photo shoot - strong beard men pictures - furry guys photography
furry bearded men - hairy ass nude pictures
Beards of masculine guys - bearded men photography
Beard daddy shower photo shoot - stong bearded male photography
bearded men - project MENbox - beards, hairy bear photography
Bearded men enjoying nude shower together - beards, hairy bears
Tattooed muscle bear photo shooting - beard men photography
Mature handsome muscle bear - erotic professional studio photos - Zurich Switzerland
Nature and masculine men - coast of Corsica outdoor shooting
Muscle bear erotic outdoor shooting - south of Corsica 
Naked outdoor nature shooting Corsica
Nude sports man outdoor nature shooting coast Corsica
Sexy muscle bear - professional outdoor photo shooting @ BearPhotographer.com
Nature and professional male art - coast of Corsica outdoor shooting - www.MaleArt.photos
Nature musclebear beach art photo shoot - Corsica 2018
Muscle bear suit and tie - strong male photography
Inked muscle bear in underwear
Le Corbusier chair LC-01 - tattoed muscle bear art pictures
MuscleBear in underwear - LeCorbusierMEN-Project
Le Corbusier Chair LC-01 - muscle bear art pictures - strong male photography
Le Corbusier chair LC-01 - male photo shooting
Muscle bear white towel project  - male photo shooting
Inked tatooed men in underwear - male photo shooting
Stocky young bear in jock straps - LeCorbusierMEN project  - free
Beefy musclebear nude  - project LeCorbusierMEN - protected
Stocky muscle men beey ass - studio shooting
Young muscle bear mirror home photo shooting
Muscle bear project LeCorbusier chair- beefy white long johns
muscle bear project LeCorbusier chair - stocky man black shorts
Young stocky man - WhiteTowelMEN project - male photo shooting
MENbox stocky muscle men project  - protected
Beefy strong men in the MENbox - stocky male project - free
Young musclebear in shower - strong male photography
Leather muscle bear - LeCorbusier chair project @BearPhotographer.com
Ginger muscle bear at Corsica cost and beaches
Catalan muscle bear in the rocks at the beach
DaliKissMEN project - Salvador Dali Art and a sexy muscle bears
Design and masculinity - LeCorbusierMEN photo project
Art and male nudity - masculine ass photography project
WhiteTovelMEN project - strong male photography
LowKeyMEN project - the dark side of sexy muscle bear men
Dark Light Men Photography - male art project by BearPhotographer
Art and masculine men - DaliKissMEN and FrameMEN portrait project
Design and masculinity - LeCorbusierMEN project - BearPhotographer
WhiteTowelMEN and WhiteShirtMEN - handsome sexy men
Underwear on hairy muscled and bearded men
LowKeyMEN project - the dark side of hairy bearded men
DarkLightMEN, the dark side of stocky hairy muscle bears
FrameMEN muscle bear studio frames und PhotoFUNIA pix
Arm pits of hairy sexy men - hairy male pictures shot by BearPhotographer
Logan Mc Cree - erotic hotel photo shoot -tattooed inked pictures
Hot swiss muscle bear - erotic studio and woods photo shootings
Sexy young dudes - erotic studio photos
Sexy beefy bear - erotic male studio photography
Swiss wrestling photos - beefy strong men - stocky schwingen fighter picturtes
Muscle bear - erotic male studio photography
Sports men in shower - masculine pictures by BearPhotographer
Bear Portrait - Swissbear hairy beefy men photography Zurich Switzerland
Nude masculine men - naked erotic studio underwear, briefs photos
Athletic muscle legs pictures - professional fotos of hairy trained male calves
Hairy male muscle legs, men and their sexy calves - erotic and esthetic pictures shot by BearPhotographer
Athletic muscle legs pictures - professional fotos of hairy trained male calves
Handsome young bear pictures - professional fotos of hairy trained male calves
Underwear @ BearPhotographer -  male underwear photos of hairy men
Male Underwear - BearPhotographer photos of men in briefs
Bears in white briefs - underwear of sexy hairy men
Hairy sexy men in briefs - pictures shot by BearPhotographer
Sexy men in underwear photos - erotic and esthetic pictures shot by BearPhotographer
Mature men in underwear - erotic and esthetic daddy pictures shot by BearPhotographer
Handsome muscle bear wearing underwear - erotic muscle man photos shot by BearPhotographer
Muscle man in wrestling singlets - aesthetic and erotic photos shot by BearPhotographer
Hairy muscle men in white briefs - male underwear pictures - hotel photo shooting in Barcleona and Zurich
Hairy sexy men in jock straps - jocks pictures shot by BearPhotographer




B e a r P h o t o g a p h e r . c o m